I've often written about inspiration and how important it is in the Arts world. The other day I was travelling to Cork by car with my fiancé John. As much as he loves listening to the radio I convinced him to let me put on an album and I chose one that I actually hadn't listened to in years. As I sang along, almost word perfect, to each track, I was brought back to a time when I initially fell in love with music.
The album we were listening to was the 'Grease' soundtrack. I can't tell you the exact date when I first saw that movie, but I can remember how I felt. I felt uplifted and excited by all the singing and dancing and I vowed that when I grew up I would be 'an actor, singer and dancer'. I rented that movie for months on end then on the morning of my 5th birthday my parents surprised me by presenting me with my very own copy. I couldn't believe I now owned this piece of magic that I had completely fallen in love with. I continued to watch this movie along with 'Grease 2', 'Staying Alive' and 'Dance Academy' on loop for many years. My childhood friends and cousins can attest to the fact that I was obsessed with these movies as I would regularly subject them to 'show rehearsals' using these movies as our soundtrack.
I hadn't thought about my very first musical inspiration until this weekend. Can you remember what initially caused you to fall in love with music or art or dance? Did one line in a poem or song inspire you to one day grow up to be an artist? Are you now the person you wanted to be when you grew up?
The album we were listening to was the 'Grease' soundtrack. I can't tell you the exact date when I first saw that movie, but I can remember how I felt. I felt uplifted and excited by all the singing and dancing and I vowed that when I grew up I would be 'an actor, singer and dancer'. I rented that movie for months on end then on the morning of my 5th birthday my parents surprised me by presenting me with my very own copy. I couldn't believe I now owned this piece of magic that I had completely fallen in love with. I continued to watch this movie along with 'Grease 2', 'Staying Alive' and 'Dance Academy' on loop for many years. My childhood friends and cousins can attest to the fact that I was obsessed with these movies as I would regularly subject them to 'show rehearsals' using these movies as our soundtrack.
I hadn't thought about my very first musical inspiration until this weekend. Can you remember what initially caused you to fall in love with music or art or dance? Did one line in a poem or song inspire you to one day grow up to be an artist? Are you now the person you wanted to be when you grew up?